Moons and Stars

The Moon

  1. Phases of the Moon:

    • New Moon: The moon is between the Earth and the Sun, and the side facing Earth is not illuminated.
    • Waxing Crescent: A sliver of the moon becomes visible after the new moon.
    • First Quarter: Half of the moon is illuminated.
    • Waxing Gibbous: More than half is illuminated.
    • Full Moon: The entire face of the moon is illuminated.
    • Waning Gibbous: After the full moon, the illumination decreases.
    • Last Quarter: Again, half of the moon is illuminated.
    • Waning Crescent: The sliver of illumination decreases until it’s a new moon again.

The Stars

  1. Constellations:

    • Orion: One of the most recognizable constellations, representing a hunter in mythology.
    • Ursa Major: Known for the Big Dipper asterism, it points to the North Star.
    • Cassiopeia: Recognizable by its W-shaped pattern.
  2. Star Types:

    • Main Sequence Stars: Like our sun, these are stars in the stable phase of their life cycle.
    • Red Giants: Stars that have expanded and cooled, often appearing reddish.
    • White Dwarfs: The remnants of medium-sized stars that have shed their outer layers.
  3. Astronomical Events:

    • Meteor Showers: When Earth passes through the debris left by comets, creating beautiful displays of shooting stars.
    • Eclipses: When the moon passes between Earth and the sun (solar eclipse) or Earth's shadow covers the moon (lunar eclipse).


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